Multi ani traiascaaaaa... EUUUU!!!!
In sfarsit e ziua mea. Am mai pus un an. Continui sa ma mir cat de repede trece timpul. Parca ieri eram in clasa intai:)

Abia le astept!!!
Astazi nu o sa fie petrecere prea mare, dar weekendul suna promitator! Sambata intalnire cu prietenii mei dragi :D iar duminica gaseala in familie.. un gratar o atentie ceva. :D
Abia astept!!!
Deocamdata sunt la servici si ma rog sa treaca timpul mai repede. Cool, nu? :D----------------------------------------------
Happy birthday.....
Happy birthday.....
Yes... Yes... Yes.... finally my birthday!!!!! hehehehehe
I wish the circumstances were different, but i have to take what i (dont) have.
Not gonna party that much today.. but the weekened sound promising :D I will meet my friends and (them) get drunk... hopefully! And sunday it's family time:)
I cant wait!!!
2 comentarii:
La multi Ani!!!!, a couple of years late though ajajajajaaaa, plop ^_^
I would say it's very early, not very late :)
Thank you!!
BTW, i dont know when it;s your b-day!!
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